A Gentle Introduction to Prompt Engineering for GPT-Based Models

Yusuf J Khan
4 min readMar 15, 2023
Photo by Zach Lucero on Unsplash

GPT-based models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-3, have revolutionized natural language processing and AI applications. One of the reasons these models have become so powerful is their ability to generate highly contextual and coherent responses based on the input, or prompt, they receive. In this article, we’ll dive into the concept of prompt engineering for GPT-based models, discuss why these models respond well to carefully crafted prompts, and explore techniques to get the most out of these incredible AI tools.

The Power of GPT-Based Models: A Brief Overview

GPT-based models are pretrained on massive amounts of text data from diverse sources, such as books, articles, and websites. During the training process, these models learn to predict the next word in a sequence, given the context provided by the preceding words. As a result, GPT models gain a deep understanding of grammar, syntax, and semantics, as well as the ability to generate highly contextual and coherent responses based on input prompts.

The Art of Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering is the process of designing and refining input prompts to get the desired output from an AI model, specifically GPT-based models. It involves understanding how the model was trained and what type of input it expects to generate the desired results. By fine-tuning the prompt, users can obtain more accurate, contextually relevant, and useful responses from the AI model.

Why Large Language Models Respond Well to Prompt Engineering

The effectiveness of prompt engineering with GPT-based models can be attributed to the way these models are trained. During training, GPT models are exposed to a wide range of text inputs and learn to generate appropriate responses based on the context provided. This means that if you can craft a prompt that closely resembles the type of input the model has seen during its training, the model is more likely to generate a meaningful and accurate response.

Furthermore, GPT-based models use a technique called “transformer architecture,” which allows them to pay attention to different parts of the input and assign appropriate weights to each part. This enables the model to focus on the most relevant parts of the input prompt and generate contextually accurate responses.

Good vs. Bad Prompt Examples

To further illustrate the importance of prompt engineering, let’s compare good and bad examples of prompts and analyze their effectiveness.

Bad Prompt Example:

What is the French Revolution

This prompt is too vague and doesn’t provide enough context for the model to generate a meaningful response. The model could potentially generate a wide range of answers, making it difficult to obtain the desired information.

Good Prompt Example:

Provide a brief summary of the key events that took place during the French Revolution between 1789 and 1799.

This prompt is much more specific, providing a clear time frame and context. By specifying the French Revolution and the years of interest, the model has a much better chance of generating a coherent and relevant response.

Bad Prompt Example:

Write me a story about living on Mars.

This prompt is open-ended and doesn’t give any guidance on what type of story the model should generate. As a result, the output could be unpredictable and may not align with the user’s expectations. Although it could possibly be more creative. You have to balance your expectations and inputs to get the desired outputs.

Good Prompt Example:

Write a short science fiction story set in the year 2500, where humans have established a colony on Mars and are now facing challenges adapting to the Martian environment.

This prompt provides a specific genre (science fiction), setting (year 2500, Mars colony), and central conflict (challenges adapting to the Martian environment). By providing these details, the model is more likely to generate a coherent and engaging story that meets the user’s expectations.

Analyzing the Differences

The good prompt examples are more effective because they:

  1. Provide specificity: They include clear and concise instructions about the desired output, helping the model understand the user’s intent.
  2. Include context: They supply relevant background information, which guides the model towards generating contextually accurate responses.
  3. Set boundaries: They define the scope of the response, preventing the model from generating irrelevant or overly broad answers.

By incorporating these characteristics into your prompts, you can significantly improve the quality of the responses generated by GPT-based models.

Closing Thoughts

Prompt engineering is a powerful technique to harness the full potential of GPT-based models. By understanding how these models are trained and learning how to craft effective prompts, users can obtain more accurate and contextually relevant responses from AI models. Through experimentation and refinement, prompt engineering can help you unleash the true power of GPT-based models and unlock new possibilities in natural language processing



Yusuf J Khan

Sr. Data Science Engineer in the Bay Area || M.S. from Georgia Tech || Current Interest: Graph Neural Networks